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Barbie Sisters Big Argument! * Aimee Told Jess The Truth*
Barbie Doll Sisters Q&A! (Amelia + Aimee)
Barbie- Ken And his boyfriend have and argument because he still loves his Ex! (Maria)
Barbie Dolls- Mum Is Angry About The New IPad!!
Barbie- Maria tells Ryan she is leaving Him! *Breakup*
Barbie dolls- Ryan disciplines Amelia for her behaviour at the wedding!!
Barbie Dolls- Ryan and Luke’s big argument!! (Full video)
Barbie family Pool Day With Dad + Aimee Tells Jess About Amelia’s behaviour!
Barbie sisters Weekend With Jess & Luke! (Amelia is behaving?)
Barbie Dolls Aimee Tells Her Sister Amelia About Her dyslexia! #barbiedoll #barbie
Barbie- telling the kids about the breakup!
Barbie family- Jess and Ryan Talk to Amelia! *drama*